Usually after doing MBA-masters in business administration , people are valued , they have the expectation to have a bright future and no doubt it is true , MBA graduates are paid well and there value increases if they have their degree from some well-recognized institution.But in our neighbouring country (however china and Afghanistan are also our neighbours but our mind's pointer point first toward India), and here we are also talking about India, so in India a student of MBA has done a strange job, he have polished the boots of the people for just Rs.5 , he is doing MBA from Management and leadership development from the city of Poona in the subject of science and marketing.Actually the students have given the task to perform some social work for atleast 20 hours.His name is Sultan and according to him in India an auto driver or rickshaw driver charge only Rs 10 for 1Km and 10 Rs ,what is the worth of 10 Rs?sultan said that if we are not aware about the problems of these people which they face daily ,if we could not solve the problem of these people which are playing an important part of society and without them all the upper classes could not perform their work ,so what is the need for doing MBA?if we can't make a policy to upgrade the living standard of these peoples.There is also a student name Rogez he has taken the task to work as a helper for a small restaurant. The purpose behind these activities in studying MBA is that they are making their new generation aware about the problem faced by these hard working people such as cobbler, hawker,boot polisher etc.
Now the question raises is that when will our institutions decide to give their students this sort of tasks to make them realize that labours,cobblers,hawkers etc are respectful citizens , we should have to give respect to them to continue this cycle of life.So think differently these peoples are not born to serve us they are here because they have capabilities which we don't have.
In Pakistan Pathans are usually involved in doing these hard working jobs,and they are mostly become target of our cheap jokes , why don't we think that this class , the class of Pathans is serving our society if there are not here so we are not able to perform our daily works,atleast they are not begging , they are earning for their livelihood.